reservoir strata中文什么意思

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  1. In view of the main feature of strong anisotropism of reservoir stratum of the paleozoic era carbonate rock in the middle part of ortos basin gas field , mainly by means of random analog formation , this paper makes a quantitative tranformation on the geological study on the area and the descriptive results of the gas pool , and finishes the whole geological model of underground carbonate rock in ortos basin , including the structure model / phy - sical model and fluid distribution model


  1. reservoir steam pipe 什么意思
  2. reservoir storage 什么意思
  3. reservoir storage capacity 什么意思
  4. reservoir storage holding 什么意思
  5. reservoir storage survey 什么意思
  6. reservoir stress 什么意思
  7. reservoir stripping 什么意思
  8. reservoir structure 什么意思
  9. reservoir structures 什么意思
  10. reservoir subgrade 什么意思


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